The Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund is set to launch its "MVA Fund on Wheels" outreach program in the Zambezi Region on Monday. The initiative aims to promote road safety awareness and provide support to underserved communities.

In a media statement, MVA Fund CEO Rosalia Martins-Hausiku emphasized that the program will bring essential services directly to the public. It will feature various safety-focused activities, such as addressing pedestrian and passenger behavior and promoting overall road safety.

As part of the outreach, the MVA team will engage with school learners to promote safe travel practices. They will also visit bus terminals to educate passengers and public transport drivers on key issues like road safety and vehicle roadworthiness.

The program will travel to several villages, including Bukalo, Ngoma, Masokotwane, Sangwali, Mubiza, and Kongola. Community members—especially local leaders, parents, and teachers—are encouraged to participate and support these vital efforts.

The Zambezi Regional Council is facilitating the initiative, which will conclude on Saturday.



Maria Kaalushu