In an effort to decongest schools in the Kavango East Region, the education directorate has resolved to construct a new primary school in Ndiyona Circuit, situated 100 kilometres east of Rundu. 

The primary school is part of a cohort of schools to be constructed throughout the region during the current financial year.

During a recent teacher conference held at the settlement, Kavango East Education Director Christine Shilima indicated that the ministry has spent close to N$50 million on education infrastructure development to address the shortage of classrooms in the region.

Shilima said five new schools were constructed in Rundu Circuit during the 2023/24 financial year, at a cost of close to N$29 million, where some of the learners were being taught in tents.

"We cannot have a situation where a teacher is teaching 50 learners in a class, 60 learners in a class; we cannot. We are looking at the number of learners in the circuit, and we are now calculating the teachers. We only extend up to 40. No class should exceed 40 learners in a class."

Kavango East Region has over 79 000 learners, of which 11% are from Ndiyona Circuit.

The education director said the new project school will be completed in phases; therefore, another set of classrooms will be constructed during the second phase.

Ndiyona settlement Headman Paulus Lipayi welcomed the development, citing that it would improve the quality and outcome of education and create employment opportunities for the community. 

He further stated that learners no longer have to walk long distances to access educational facilities.

"The inhabitants of Ndiyona and myself as the headmen are very excited about getting a new school. The reason for our excitement is because that school hosts a lot of learners; that's why they are being divided; some are going up north. As leaders, we are feeling good and grateful for the new school and for dividing the learners."



MICT Kavango East