The Mashi Traditional Authority celebrated the annual Tulikonge Cultural Festival over the weekend in Kongola.

The celebration not only marked 27 years of the re-establishment of the traditional authority but also marked 20 years of recognition of the Mashi Traditional Authority under the leadership of Mfumu Joseph Tembwe Mayuni.

A number of challenges and pleas were raised by Mfumu Joseph Tembwe Mayuni with regards to much-needed development in the area.

In a speech read on his behalf by the chairperson of the Tulikonge Cultural Festival, Poniso Musomi, Mfumu Mayuni described his community as one of the most marginalised in Namibia, with poor representation in government decision-making structures and a lack of voice.

Mayuni noted that the establishment of business enterprises strongly depends on electricity supply for manufacturing processes, but noted that electricity supply remains a luxury.

The shack dweller settlement has been beneficial to both young and old who have managed to build low-cost homes and asked for the government to further assist in electrifying the only urban settlement in the area.

In addition, he spoke on the ongoing drought and the impact it has had on subsistence farmers, especially. 

He thanked the government for having availed drought relief aid and assured that the items have been put to their intended use, despite reports of discrimination in distribution.

Mayuni urged the government to look into the situation and take appropriate action.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Juliet Sibeso