The All Peoples Party (APP) presidential candidate Ambrosius Kumbwa said if elected, his government will focus on improving the education system.

Kumbwa said this at the launch of the party's 2024 Election Manifesto at Rundu.  

Kumbwa stated that challenges faced by the education sector, such as insufficient classrooms and teacher housing, will be a priority.

"APP proposes we are going to reintroduce colleges of education for which I was trained as a teacher to run parallel with universities. For immoral and unethical behaviours amongst teachers and learners, APP is ready to introduce thorough research and peace studies in school because this immoral behaviour is coming from un-peaceful demonstrations and behaviours. We don't only introduce peace studies because there is war, but we introduce peace studies in the presence of justice. And we sit. In the APP government, teachers' low housing will be a condition of service."

Another area needing redress is the teacher-learner ratio.

APP also promised to establish an agricultural university.

"Hunger and poverty are visible, but this hunger and poverty is in the region that is regarded as the food basket of Namibia. Why should it happen? We propose as APP government there should be a university-specific for agriculture to cater for Zambezi, Kavango East, the triangle of the Otavi-Grootforntain area, and also in the south." 

Under the APP government, traditional leaders will have total governance over communal land.

Kumbwa said if elected, the party will see to it that corruption is reduced and make the Anti-Corruption Commission an independent entity. 

He added that if corruption is dealt with, APP will introduce a monthly targeted basic income grant of N$5,000 to needy families. 

Kumbwa said the party's manifest manual will be uploaded on the internet for everyone to have access to it.

Photo Credits
The Namiban
Elizabeth Mwengo