Many individuals lose track of their fitness goals during the festive season due to overindulging in a variety of activities.

Genesis Fitness Club Instructor Ingenuous Nekongo says many fitness enthusiasts break free from their usual exercise regimens. 

People tend to eat more sugary treats, desserts, sweets, and alcohol during the holidays, exercise less, and have poorer sleep habits, while stress can also contribute to holiday weight gain.

"I would say looking at the aspects of a busy schedule, you can squeeze in a fifteen-minute workout; you can even do bodyweight squats, you can do push-ups for those that can, and you can also do jumping jacks, and those exercises not only help you with cardio but also help in targeting certain muscle groups that you want to work out as well."

Registered Dietitian Juandri Steytler offered valuable tips on how to navigate holiday indulgences and keep weight in check during the festive season.

"I think it's important to try to eat at home, which is cheaper, and if you don't eat at home, try to stick to one bad meal. By bad meals, I mean the big meals, fatty meals, and low-fibre meals, so if you can have those, but rather start the day with high-fibre breakfasts, including fruits, nuts, and sweets. And for the rest of the day, you then don't have a big need to eat fatty and unhealthy big meals because you started the day with a high-fibre breakfast, and then if you want to have a fatty breakfast, you have to look at the portions of your other meals during the day."

Fitness enthusiasts also pointed to a lack of structural healthy routines in society.

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Genesis Fitness Club


Keshia Damases