In recent years, Namibia has seen a significant rise in mental health cases.

What was once managed by a single specialist and one medical officer now requires a larger workforce to meet growing demands.

Health experts say addressing mental health challenges goes beyond healthcare providers and requires the active involvement of families.

Unfortunately, some families struggle to accept mental health diagnoses, often due to a lack of understanding or stigma. 

This leads to the isolation or the abandonment of their loved ones, making it harder for them to seek medical help.

"When people suffer from mental illness, they are stigmatised and rejected. Some family members reject their loved one's mental health; they would want to take care," said Dr. Hileni Ndjaba, Head of the Mental Health Department at the Ministry of Health.

She further explained that mental health conditions can significantly impact an individual's thoughts, perceptions, and emotions, often compromising their ability to make the right decisions. 

In such situations, family members play a crucial role in providing the necessary care, such as ensuring that medications are taken correctly.

She further added that when family members offer informed and effective support, they contribute to better management of the individual's mental health condition. 

The Executive Director of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Ben Nangombe, urged families to support their loved ones with mental health conditions. 

He stressed that overcoming mental health challenges requires collaboration from all stakeholders. 

"We have seen situations where persons who experience mental health challenges face a lot of stigma. They are ostracised and stigmatised in their homes and communities. This is not the way to go. Instead, we should provide a supportive, caring, nurturing, and compassionate environment for these individuals."

Nangombe stressed the significance of families reaching out for professional help at the earliest signs of mental health challenges in their loved ones.

He advised against exploring unproven or non-scientific treatment options, as these could potentially harm the individual's well-being.

"We strongly discourage the search for alternative interventions that are not scientifically proven. The ministry is here to provide the care that is required. Instead of delaying taking the person to a health facility, please act on time. There are situations where people with mental health challenges are either chained or hidden away, which is unacceptable."

Photo Credits
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