

Namibia needs more people who are fearless and smart thinkers who can inspire and advise the government where it is failing the nation.

These are the words of Rand Merchant Bank Namibia's Managing Director, Steve Galloway, referring to author Robin Sherbourne at the launch of the book "Guide to the Namibian Economy".

Galloway defines the book as one of the contributors to the country's upliftment.

The book covers the period from Namibia's independence to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, capturing thirty years of the country's economy and is divided into three sections. 

The main part of the book looks at each sector of the economy, such as agriculture, fishing, mining, and telecommunication.

The last section outlines cross-cutting issues such as land reform, the country's stock exchange, and downstream petroleum.

Sherbourne worked on the book since 1991 and was inspired by people he met, such as government officials, and visited different universities from August 2020 to August 2021 and spent an additional year on the layout of the book.

He says the book is to assist the country to learn from its mistakes, remember its successes, and provide various ways to boost the country's economy. He added that despite a few mistakes that Namibia has made in the last thirty years, he still believed that the country could be a model for other countries.

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online desk


Lucia Nghifindaka