The African Development Bank, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, has constructed two hostel blocks and renovated Epukiro Post 3 Secondary School in the Omaheke Region for N$67 million.

Speaking at the handing over of the facilities, Deputy Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Faustina Caley, was confident that the facilities will go a long way in ensuring that a Namibian child has unhindered access to quality education and a conducive learning environment.

"Hotel facilities at our schools provide an environment that is a home away from home for our children. The children don't need to travel long distances every day to access education. As a matter of fact, these infrastructures are needed to advance quality education, especially for our marginalized children in and around Epukiro Post 3."

Also speaking at the occasion was school principal Big-Man Uanivi.

"We pledge the following unconditional and unquestionable devotion to the proper maintenance of the new hostel facilities using the plans and, secondly, to prevent any form of vandalism by students through awareness campaigns; these facilities should be in the same condition for many years to come."

On his part, Epukiro Councillor Packy Pakarae said educational infrastructure adds value to the settlement.

"First, it has given a new face to the settlement, secondly, it gives the constituency and the region the life, the energy, and the stability we deserve as a region."

Epukiro Post 3 Secondary School has 986 learners and 36 teachers

Photo Credits
Epukiro Secondary School


Ngarije Kavari