At Rundu, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism is raising awareness about littering.

Romeo Muyunda, Chief Public Relations Officer of the Environment, Forestry, and Tourism Ministries, says the Ministry is concerned that the country is becoming dirtier, which prompted the clean-up campaign.

"The concern really is basically the fact that the country's environment is becoming dirtier and litter is being observed in most parts of our country, especially here in Rundu. We have found that there is a lot of litter laying around, and people are not really conscious about throwing garbage in open spaces. Dirty environments are usually not attractive; they are a sore to the eyes. We are a country that is developing, and when we develop, we need to attract investors and tourists, but these people will not come to a country that is filthy."

Muyunda says sensitizing bus drivers and street vendors will help control littering.

"We are embarking on a campaign, especially during this festive season when a lot of people will be moving to their destinations or various destinations on holiday. We know that when people are moving, there's always going to be waste that is generated, especially in vehicles. When people are moving, they are eating, they are drinking, and of course, most of the time the waste that is generated ends up on the roadside ."

The taxi drivers responded positively to the initiative after they received black trash bags and branded T-shirts.

Taxi and bus drivers together with the street vendors cleaned up their area of business, which is along the Trans-Zambezi Highway and Wimpy filling station.

The campaign is taking place countrywide.

Photo Credits
The Namibian


Elizabeth Mwengo