

The Association of Local Authorities in Namibia (ALAN) appealed to local authority councilors to avoid actions that would deprive residents of services.

The call comes after reports of councillors boycotting crucial decision-making meetings.

ALAN is an organization for local authorities that speaks with one voice when addressing some of the pressing issues affecting local authorities.

Lately, some local authority councillors have been boycotting meetings, something the president of ALAN, Samuel !Oe-Amseb, says delays decision-making and denies service to the people who elect them to office.

!Oe-Amseb says the local authority councilors cannot conduct meetings if there is no quorum.

Should the status quo continue, this will render a local authority dysfunctional.

He said local authority councillors have a lot to do in terms of service provision and development, as well as in proposing projects that will create jobs if they work together.

Photo Credits
New Era Newspaper
Lucia Nghifindaka