Residents of the Engela Constituency remain on high alert for impending floods.
The flood waters that are coming in from southern Angola arrived in Namibia yesterday morning and have so far reached Onghala, Oimbadalunga, Eeshoke, Ohaingu, and Engela villages.
Both young and old are seen checking the rising water levels.
All are hoping the situation does not escalate into catastrophe, whether for the communities or their animals.
The majority here say they were oblivious to the looming waters, as they were said to be far from the Namibia-Angola borders, flowing at a speed of 20 cubic meters per minute.
Some elders at Eeshoke village narrate that they have not seen a sight like this for many years.
Most access roads in the villages have so far been flooded, making navigation with vehicles impossible.
So far, no damage or casualties have been recorded.
It is anticipated that the water will cross the Omafo-Outapi main road in the direction of Oshakati by this evening.