

17 qualified but unemployed teachers have volunteered to come up with the initiative of building a primary school in Tuhingireni, a location on the outskirts of Rundu.

The group of young teachers held a successful meeting with the community of Tuhingireni Cuma recently, where their idea was positively received. On this occasion, the community donated land for the project, and cleaning began this morning. Registration for learners is also set to begin on Wednesday.

The school will only accommodate learners in grades 0–7.

The young professionals also stressed that they cannot comfortably sit at home with their qualifications knowing that there are learners walking long distances to school.

Kayimbi Daniel, who is the group’s chairperson, said that they are doing this because they do not want a Namibian child to not have access to education because of a lack of schools in their surrounding areas or endanger their lives by walking long distances.

So far, the group members, together with the community, are contributing small amounts of money towards this project that will be utilized for buying materials.

The dedicated young men and women, however, are pleading with the government and good Samaritans out there to assist them in whatever way they can to help them make this project a success.

The needed materials are as follows: zinc, chairs, and tables for both learners and teachers, chalkboards, dams and pipes, toilets, solar panels for electricity, and a photocopy machine.

They don't have an estimation of the total cost for the construction of the school, but they're looking out for sponsorships and good Samaritans to come through.


Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Denis Manuel