

The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Dr. Albert Kawana, officially inaugurated the Ncamagoro Police Station in the Kavango West Region.

The construction was done at a cost of over N$15 million.

Before the demarcation of the Kavango West Region, residents of Ncamagoro relied on the Rundu Police Station for services.

After the demarcation, however, they were redirected to Mururani Police Station, which is 90 kilometres away, and the island's Ncaute Police Station. 

It came to light that the construction of the Ncamagoro police station was prompted by the community's demonstration following a rape case. 

"The Ncamagoro area, like many rural areas across our country, faces unique challenges; the geographical remoteness of this region has for too long made it difficult for the people here to access vital services, including those provided by the Namibian police force. This has unfortunately led to an environment where criminal activities thrived due to the limited presence of law enforcement. The data of the Ncamagoro police post is a strategic response to this challenge; it is not just a building; it is a symbol of the government's unwavering dedication to the safety and security of all of our citizens," said Dr. Kawana.

Apart from the police station, there are also two houses, a borehole, and a vehicle.

The Hompa of Mbunza Traditional Authority, Alfons Kaundu, appraised the timely response by the police to the community's request and urged his community to work together with the police.

"Police officers do not smell what is happening in the village; if you don't tell them, they won't know. You people who complain you are the ones hiding the criminals. You need to call the police as soon as the incident happens. Even if you see a person herding cattle at night, call the police. Bars that operate beyond their permitted time report them, and police, please arrest such people because that is the law, and you as a police officer should not be found entertaining such acts and joining in dancing with them."

Hompa Kaundu also urged the police officers to deliver promptly, as the residents of Ncamagoro are now looking forward to faster response, improved service delivery, and a more visible police presence in their community.

Police Inspector General, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, encouraged unity between the police and the community.

"Ncaute is the nearest, or Rundu, or Ndama, or Kehemu; they should be assisted there; then the docket can be transferred to the mother region for investigation; that's how we should do our police work. There will be no boundaries for sending people away because they do not belong to Kavango East or Kavango West."

Photo Credits
New Era Newspaper


Elizabeth Mwengo