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The police in Zambezi Region have launched an operation at the Choto satellite police station aimed at enhancing the combating of crime strategies.

Members of the community police will also join the operation.

Speaking at the media briefing, the Regional Commander, Commissioner Andreas Shilelo, said certain steps will be taken in order to make the operation a success,

This, he said, will include mapping out targeted locations, beginning with Chotto to determine how big the area is, as well as identifying places to focus on.

Shilelo added that the community will also be informed of the ongoing operation.

"It is a targeted operation that is going to start today and last until the 30th of this month, and we are going to go location by location; as I said, we are going to start today in Chotto."

As Commissioner Shilelo said, a number of concerns led to the operation being initiated.

"Because the house break-in crime rate in Choto is very high, we must ensure that we go door to door to understand who the people we are policing in Choto are; we can't police people we don't know, so we must begin with the mapping to see how big Choto is, where Choto begins, and where it ends."

Shilelo said community engagement could assist the police in identifying criminals and locating their hideouts.

He also said that the operation will last three days before moving to the next location, with police officers working in teams.

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NBC Digital News


Juliet Sibeso