Teaching in the Zambezi Region is always delayed for days during the first weeks of schools re-opening because of parents failing to register their children from May to September each year. 

Another challenge, according to the Director of Education Joseph Kawana, is the accommodation of failures of 2022 Grade 10 and 11 at secondary schools in the town of Katima Mulilo.

"I can confidently say that we do not have so many challenges in admitting Grade 1, Grade 9, our biggest challenge is that we have the failures of Grade 10 and the placement of the failures of Grade 11 that's where we got challenges. However, we are working on these challenges, we have shifted learners from one school to another where there is space, we have a great number of learners that failed at Caprivi Secondary School and these learners now were taken to various schools that are in town, which are Ngweze Secondary School and Mavuluma Secondary School."

He, however, confirmed that Zambezi Regional Council availed ten tents for the purposes of learning and teaching at Mavuluma to start by Monday.

Kawana is worried that parents in the region have a tendency to only register their children in schools and never follow up on their progress or monitor activities they do at school.

"We are not doing well in terms of talking to these learners, our life skills teachers I want to urge them to do their work because if these life skills teachers can step up and do their work we will be able to address or minimize the challenges that are learners bring from home, but it's true it is a collective effort to have a learner talk or do well at school, it is the side of a parent and the side of the Ministry."



Sililo Mubiana