Children with disabilities struggle to access education


Some parents are teaching their children with disabilities some skills at home as they struggle to find placement.

15-year-old Asteria Iiyambo, a wheelchair user from Onampinda Village in the Oshana Region, is one of those who never stepped into a class as a result.

||Kharas Education Directorate to deal with placement challenges


The ||Kharas Regional Education Directorate has a management plan in place to deal with learner placement challenges when the new academic year kicks off on Monday.

This was said by the Regional Education Director of the ||Kharas Region, Jesmine Magermann, in her update on the placement of learners.

Coastal towns grapple with placement


Schools in the coastal towns of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay are overwhelmed with the number of pupils to be admitted, with parents still queuing up for applications.

Securing Grade 1 placement a headache for parents 


The placement of first-grade learners at Windhoek is becoming a serious concern as schools have a limited number of spaces available for enrollment. The school management at Faith Primary School informed parents that it could accommodate only 55 learners.