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Katrina Hanse-Himarwa accorded official funeral


President Nangolo Mbumba has conferred an Official Funeral on the late former Minister of Education, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa.

The Presidency announced that President Mbumba accepted the recommendation from the National Honours Committee and made the conferment as per Section 3(1) of the Conferment of National Honours Act.

The late Hanse-Himarwa's remains will be interred on the 27th of July in Mariental as agreed upon with her family.

The former Education Minister died on July 14 in a Windhoek hospital, where she was battling cancer.

Late Colonel Peter Iindongo buried


Scores of mourners converged at Oshihenge cemetery in the Oshakati constituency of the Oshana region to pay their last respects to the late Colonel Peter Iindongo, a veteran of the liberation struggle who died on February 22 at the age of 64.

Iindongo was accorded an official funeral and has been described as an outstanding Swapo Party veteran who was selfless and drawn to the ideals of the liberation movement from an early age during his memorial service held at his homestead.

Former Swapo Chief Representative to Germany Obed Emvula conferred official funeral


Former Swapo Party Chief Representative to Germany, Obed Emvula, has been conferred an official funeral.

Emvula died on January 1.

The late Emvula's community's memorial service will be held tomorrow at Okando at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, while the official memorial is slated for the 13th, still at Okando, starting at 8:00 o'clock in the morning.

The official funeral will be held on the 14th, at half past seven in the morning.

Emvula, among others, served Swapo in various capacities in countries including the US, Zambia, and Algeria.

Archbishop Peter Tjijombo conferred official funeral


President Hage Geingob has conferred an official funeral on the late Archbishop Peter Tjijombo.

The message was delivered by the Minister in the Presidency, Christine ||Hoebes to the late's family.

The President praised Tjijombo for the role he played in the liberation of the country's freedom and independence.

Dr. Geingob met Tjijombo in the early 1990s.

Late Abisai Uetuesapi Mungendje get official funeral


President Hage Geingob has conferred an official funeral on the late Abisai Uetuesapi Mungendje.

This was announced by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MICT).

Mungendje died on the 9th of this month, aged 99.

Mungendje's memorial service took place at Toasis in the Aminuis Constituency of Omaheke on Saturday.

He was born on August 14, 1924, in the Waterberg area.

His father, Mbujatuzuu Hijaputi Mungendje, and mother, Kondorokee Penina Mungendje, were displaced during the 1904–1908 Ovaherero and Nama genocide.