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Kukuri defends integrity of the judiciary


The Executive Director of the Judiciary, Bernhardt Kukuri has defended the integrity of the judiciary, stating that judges adhere to a strict code of conduct and maintain independence from any external influences.
Kukuri was responding to allegations suggesting that judges are influenced or controlled by specific institutions or individuals parliamentarians on Legal Affairs at Swakopmund.

The Judiciary's Executive Director was responding to questions from members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Legal Affairs, at Swakopmund.

Office of the Judiciary estimates N$1,5 billion needed to address backlog of court cases


The Office of the Judiciary needs about N$1,5 billion to reduce the backlog of court cases in the country.

This is according to Executive Director Bernhardt Kukuri, who says that financial constraints contribute to delays in delivering justice.

The Judiciary's Executive Director presented these challenges to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs at Swakopmund.

Bernhardt Kukuri says a lack of growth in the budget allocation is among the main challenges the Judiciary is facing.