Child abuse is under-reported - Heather Hacker


Despite Namibia having robust child protection laws and policies, child abuse is not widely reported and remains a significant challenge, says Children's Advocate Heather Hacker.

There's a growing recognition of widespread child abuse and the risks children face from adults in positions of trust.

Communication strategy for disaster management launched


Namibia took a significant step forward in disaster risk management with the official launch of the National Awareness and Communication Strategy for Disaster Risk Management, which will run from 2023 to 2027.

The strategy aims to address natural disasters and mitigate their effects in a timely manner.

OPM rolls out drought relief programme


The Office of the Prime Minister has announced the rollout of the comprehensive drought relief programme, providing food assistance and livestock support to affected subsistence farmers across all 14 regions.

|Khomanin clan fights to preserve their heritage


The ǂNūkhoe, in their relentless pursuit to preserve their cultural heritage, unveiled the long-awaited grave of Ouma Amalia |Hones. 

The gravesite signifies the historical existence of the |Khomanin clan of the ǂNūkhoe people.

NAC evicts Menzies Aviation


The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) has evicted Menzies Aviation from the Hosea Kutako International Airport, and according to Paragon, the situation is under control and flights are departing normally since it took over ground handling services at the airport.

Cuban Embassy celebrates Fidel Castro


The Cuban Embassy in Namibia celebrated the birthday of Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro at the Fidel Castro Ruz Primary School in Windhoek.