Oshikoto expected to experience water scarcity this year


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform's (MAWLR) head of rural water supply and sanitation in Oshikoto, Stevenson Tuukondjele, said that by the look of things, they might experience water crises worse than last year.

Tuukondjele said that residents of the Eengodi, Okankolo, and Nehale lyaMpingana constituencies in the Oshikoto Region might experience a more serious water crisis this year compared to the one they experienced last year.

Headwoman Namundjebo-Tilahun aids farmers affected by drought 


The headwoman of Ohailombo Village, Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun, has brought hope and relief to the farmers in Eengodi and Nehale LyaMpingana constituencies in the Oshikoto Region.

A lack of adequate rainfall this year has affected many people, let alone livestock.

Previously, during this time of the year, farmers could be seen transporting their animals from the main land to the cattle posts for better grazing.

However, with global warming, the situation has changed.