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Over 500 registered for BIG in Otavi


595 people have registered for the Conditional Basic Income Grant at Otavi. 

The Otavi Constituency Office is compiling a report for consideration by the Ministry of Gender, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare. 

Okahandja and Otjiwarongo have already started with the grant as part of the pilot project.

Otavi Constituency Councillor George !Garab also wants Otavi residents who are unable to sustain themselves to benefit from the grant.

Drought relief considered for Otavi Constituency farmers pushed to townlands 


The Otavi Constituency has announced that it will start registering farmers who have been pushed to townlands with their animals to benefit from drought relief food.

The Regional Councillor of the Otavi Constituency, George !Garab, says this group of farmers is a special case.

Otavi is surrounded by many farms, and subsistence farmers retire, some with few animals and others with nothing, to townlands and settle in informal settlements.