LPM announces 72% youth representation on parliamentary list


The Landless People's Movement (LPM) has announced that its parliamentary list will feature 72% youth representation.

This decision, according to the party's leadership, was made at their first national convention to elevate young voices in Namibian politics.

LPM activities at UNAM campus create commotion


Chaos erupted today at the University of Namibia's (UNAM) main campus when members of the Landless People's Movement (LPM) attempted to distribute flyers, which is currently not allowed by the institution.

LPM Lead Youth Commander calls for active youth participation in politics


The Lead Youth Commander of the Landless People's Movement's Youth Element, Duminga Ndala, has called for the active participation of young people in politics.

The LPM youth wing held its first conference at Rundu aimed at establishing youth structures in the Kavango East Region.