Namibian MPs sign "Cuba off the list" letter to UN


Around 60 Namibian Members of Parliament are among 600 parliamentarians from 73 countries who signed a letter to the United Nations denouncing US President Joe Biden's designation of Cuba as a "state sponsor of terrorism."

MPs concerned over proposed changes to VAT system


Several members of the National Council have expressed concern over proposed changes to the value-added tax system.

The VAT Bill aims to expand the period within which the import declaration must be furnished to the Commissioner.

MPs capacitated to address climate change


Swapo Party MP Kosmos Katura provided feedback to the National Council regarding the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Capacity Development Seminar for Members of Parliament, held in Lusaka, Zambia, last year.

Proposed divorce bill sparks intense debate in NA


There was a heated debate in the National Assembly over the proposed Divorce Bill tabled by the Minister of Justice, Yvonne Dausab.

The bill, which aims to reform divorce procedures in the country, faced a barrage of criticism and suggestions from MPs.

MPs urged to uphold decorum of Parliament


The National Council and Swapo Party Member of Parliament, George Garab, tabled the report on the 71st Westminster Seminar of the Common Wealth Parliamentary Association on effective parliaments held in March.

147th IPU Assembly to convene in Luanda


The 147th IPU Assembly is set to convene in Luanda, Angola, from October 23 to 27, 2023.

This global gathering will bring together parliamentarians, partner organisations, and experts under the theme "Parliamentary Action for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions."

National Assembly MPs resist N$1 million motion tabled by Elifa Dingara


Several MPs in the National Assembly have resisted its current format, the N$1 million motion tabled by Swapo MP Elifa Dingara.

Dingara tabled a motion proposing that every Namibian be given a million dollars to keep poverty at bay.

Some lawmakers called the motion unrealistic.

MPs call for recognition of Late Hompa Kandjimi-Hauwanga


The story of Late Hompa Kandjimi-Hauwanga, who is considered a remarkable figure from the VaKwangali community, unfolded as Member of Parliament Hamunyera Hambyuka passionately moved a motion demanding recognition of his significant role and called for the repatriation of his remains and those of other Namibians fro