Police officers urged to attend to emergencies in Outjo


Police Deputy Inspector General for Operations Elias Mutota informed police officers at Outjo to stop using the lack of vehicles as an excuse not to attend to emergencies.

This caution comes after reports that police officers do not attend to crime scenes, citing a lack of vehicles.

Deputy Prime Minister calls on Kunene Council to prioritise drought relief


Deputy Prime Minister John Mutorwa is urging the Kunene Regional Council's management to assess the drought situation and to ensure that people in need benefit from the government's drought relief aid.

Mutorwa made an appeal during his visit to the region to assess the drought situation.

Chabani remanded in custody on charges of cannabis


Obed Chabani (48), who is facing charges of possession and dealing in cannabis worth over N$300,000, has been remanded in custody following his appearance in the Outjo Magistrates' Court.

Provision of services at Outjo a challenge


Although housing provision in Outjo has been ongoing efficiently, Acting Chief Executive Officer Jaco Labuschagne says the provision of services has been a challenge.

Rains over the weekend bring relief from heat wave in some parts of the country


Light to moderate rains recorded over the weekend brought relief from the heat wave in some parts of the country. 

Over the past week, temperatures have hovered between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius in places such as Keetmanshoop, which received some light showers on Friday and Saturday. 

Outjo residents urged to keep the late President's legacy alive


Outjo Constituency Councillor John Antsino urged residents to keep the late president's legacy alive by tapping into the wisdom he displayed during his tenure.

Antsino was speaking at Kunene's final tribute service dedicated to the late Hage Geingob at Outjo.

Otjiwarongo, Grootfontein and Outjo without town CEOs


The towns of Otjiwarongo and Grootfontein in the Otjozondjupa Region and Outjo in the Kunene Region are still without Chief Executive Officers (CEOs).

CEOs are the accounting officers at town councils and are charged with overall oversight of council operations.

Domestic violence and drug abuse rife in Outjo


Cases of domestic violence and drug abuse remain the most reported at Outjo.

Outjo Police Station Commander and Chief Inspector Seun Karupa, however, say they are on alert to respond to any distress call.