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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

Improved road infrastructure enables connectivity and safe mobility, as well as contributes to economic development and growth.

This was said by the Executive Director of the Ministry of Works and Transport, Esther Kaapanda, during her familiarization visits to road development sites in the coastal towns.

Kaapanda says adequately maintaining road infrastructure is essential to preserve and enhance these benefits.
However, she says a backlog of maintenance has caused irreversible deterioration of the road network in the country, resulting in major financial impacts on the economy and citizens.
In addition, she says, road infrastructure creates employment and fights poverty.

Although road traffic injuries occur for a multitude of reasons, Kaapanda says the condition of the road surface is an important factor in preventing crashes.

"It is really going to help lessen the accidents, the more roads that you build, the more you are increasing the road network, you are also giving different users access or choosing to use many of these roads, and you are reducing congestion only on specific roads".

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Stefan Uirab