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Namibia plans new desalination plant


If all goes according to plan, fresh desalinated water will be available from the desalination plant in the Erongo Region by 2027.

This announcement was made by Carl Schlettwein, the Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, during his address at a Land Development Conference in Henties Bay.

The government, through Namwater, aims to establish a secure, sustainable, and affordable potable water supply network by utilizing groundwater aquifers, specifically the Omaruru Delta and the Kuiseb Delta in the vicinity of Walvis Bay.

NamPower spends over N$3 million on school fences in Epupa Circuit


The NamPower Foundation has fenced off Alpha, Otjerunda, Orumana, and Ehomba Combined Schools in the Kunene Region at a cost of more than N$3 million.

The Chairperson of the NamPower Advisory Committee, Simeon Amunkete, explained that a conducive environment plays a role in the academic performance of the learners.

The Education Inspector of the Epupa Circuit, Joshua Shikongo, commended NamPower for ensuring a safer learning environment for the learners.

Palmwag settlement police station opens


A police station worth N$7 million has been inaugurated at Palmwag Settlement in the Kunene Region's Sesfontein Constituency. 

Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo says safety and security services are critical for all Namibians to access, to ensure that, and also for officers to be provided with proper structures to work from.

Police officers in the area have been serving the public at the checkpoint since 1998.

The checkpoint was previously used as a veterinary control point and a tourism concession area without accommodation or office facilities.

Namwater explores Kavango Link to supply water to central area


Namwater is expected to spend about $7 billion on the Kavango Link Project to address water shortages in the long run for the central areas of Namibia. 

Currently, the water levels of the three dams in the central area—the Omatako, Von Bach, and Swakoppoort dams—are alarmingly low at 18%. 

Namwater's acting Chief of Engineering Services, Saltiel Shaanika, says there is a need for a long-term solution to address water shortages in central Namibia. 

Swapo Party Vice President urges defending independence's legacy 


Swapo Party Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah has called on party members to defend the foundation that paved the way for the country's hard-won independence. 

She made the call at the party's 64th-anniversary commemoration at Mariental in the Hardap Region. 

Swapo Party members from all walks of life converged at the Hage Geingob Stadium to celebrate the party's over sixty years of existence. 

Swakopmund struggles to meet growing demands amid rural-urban migration


As people leave rural areas in search of a better livelihood, towns such as Swakopmund are under immense pressure, and their capacity to deliver is a challenge.

The Swakopmund population has grown to over 75,000 people from about 45,000 recorded about 13 years ago. The majority of them live in informal settlements. 

Swakopmund is one of the towns that has been experiencing a high influx of people from all around the country, some of whom could not land a job and ended up fending for themselves.

Farmers in Kunene and Omusati face market access challenges


Farmers in the Kunene and Omusati regions say non-functional abattoirs and poor livestock infrastructure are primary obstacles to accessing a profitable market. 

This issue surfaced during the ongoing oversight visits by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration in the Northern Communal Areas (NCAs).

The visits follow a 2022 petition to the National Assembly from Lisha Empowerment and Development, urging the revival of the livestock market in the NCAs and parliamentary intervention to address the sector's severe underdevelopment.

Ohangwena education sector plagued by shortage of classrooms


The Ohangwena Region's education sector is faced with a myriad of challenges, including a shortage of classrooms and a lack of sufficient infrastructure, among others.

This was brought to light during a consultation meeting held at Ondobe on Monday between the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education, Science, ICT, and Youth Development and education stakeholders.

The aim of the gathering was to share ideas, information, views, and perspectives on the current crisis in the education sector in Ohangwena Region, which has 126,342 learners spread across 290 schools. 

CoW maintains 20% boreholes water usage restrictions


The City of Windhoek has reemphasized its 20% borehole water usage restriction as an essential component of its operational strategy. 

This measure aims to maintain a consistent water supply, supporting both residents and business operations.

Clarifying recent media reports, the municipality underscores the necessity of this restriction for water security, resource management, and sustainability.

The City of Windhoek initiated this restriction during the 2015/2016 drought, permitting industries to utilise boreholes to supplement water supply. 

RA CEO expresses discontent over delayed Engoyi-Omuntele road upgrade


The Roads Authority (RA) Chief Executive Officer is not impressed with the slow progress on the Engoyi-Omuntele road upgrade.

The road construction commenced in October last year and was to be completed by September this year.

On a site visit to the project, Conrad Lutombi said the project is behind schedule by two and a half months.

N$20 million was supposed to be spent so far on the project, but to date, the contractor has only used N$5 million.