A farmer in the Okakarara Constituency, Hulda Kahengombe, walked away with a bull worth more than N$60,000, courtesy of the Okakarara Farmers Association.

The bull is a token of appreciation for selling her cattle through the Okakarara auction last year.

Farmers of the Okakarara Constituency gathered at the auction pens to witness the handover and participate in the auction.

The prices are low this time around compared to last year, especially for calves.

The event also brought together and appreciated farmers who sell their cattle through the Okakarara auction.

The farmers walked away with grease to control ticks, while the farmer who sold the most cattle last year walked away with a certified bull, weighing 660 kilograms.

"I was just bringing my cattle here to sell, especially in this last year when I didn't take them to Otjiwarongo. I used to decide on a short note, and then I would rather bring them here, not knowing that I would get this opportunity," said Hulda Kahengombe, the Bull Winner at the Okakarara Farmers Association.

Kahengombe started farming in 2019 and sold more than 60 cattle through the Okakarara auction last year.

Okakarara Farmers Association Chairperson Jackson Kazetjikuria says the whole idea is to motivate farmers in the Okakarara vicinity to sell locally.

He also gave credit to the patron of the association, Junius Mungunda, who has been donating a bull every year to the auction winner since he became its patron five years ago.

This marks his final year's last donation by the patron towards awarding the best seller of the year at the Okakarara Auction.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Eveline Paulus