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Statehouse Press Secretary Alfredo Hengari stressed that President Hage Geingob is a champion for a better future for the youth in Namibia.

Dr. Hengari shared these sentiments in an interview on the nbc’s youth radio station, Touch FM.

The Press Secretary stated that the President's initiatives are centered around making sure that young people don’t inherit a country in debt, which cannot be sustained. This is done by investing in the education system and calling for an amnesty on the NSFAF interest rates for students; because of this, students don’t need to pay interest rates for their study loans.

Other initiatives include the emerging Green Hydrogen Project, where scholarships are being offered for young people to study in some of these new fields that are critical to the growth agenda and the green industrialization strategy.

Hengari also encouraged young people to explore career possibilities in the green hydrogen field, as it is the future source of energy that is set to replace fossil fuels that are more harmful to the environment, whereas green hydrogen poses very little harm to the environment.

In closing, Hengari urged young people to seize opportunities in the fields that are emerging.

Photo Credits
Touch FM


Donald Kariseb