The Sisa Namandje Foundation Scholarship advertisement that was sent out early this year has attracted more than 300 applicants.

The 13 recipients will be assisted with tuition fees, accommodations, and other basic needs.

This came about when the Foundation identified the need to provide tertiary students with financial assistance for their studies.

Taimi Iileka-Amupanda, a board member of the foundation, says it proved difficult to choose 13 students out of the 300 prospects, as they all require assistance.

"But we also have students who simply write to the foundation to say, 'I don't have taxi money to get to school, but they have straight A's, or I don't have food to eat, but they have straight A's.' We want this to serve as a motivation for others who have applied and may apply at the next available opportunity to say that working is worth it no matter what you go through."

The director of the foundation, Sisa Namanjde, says many young people struggle to maintain their academic lives.

"Almost on a daily basis, we get students from NUST, IUM, UNAM, and all over the country. We give them the smallest we can give to all these kids, and of course, there is a requirement that people be well-performing students. We are doing that so that we can motivate them that your difficult circumstances should not make it difficult but for you to excel."

Petrus Shaanika, a third-year medical student, was struggling to get to school from Katutura, saying he sometimes doubted whether his excellent academic record was a worthwhile investment.

"It's always really important to know that hard work will always pay off because for the longest time, I always wondered when my performance in high school would pay off and finally it did, so I just want to say that believe in yourself and eventually it will pay off."

The next beneficiaries are expected to be announced between July and August of this year.

Photo Credits
Informante Newspaper


Maria Kaalushu