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President Hage Geingob says the important role of nurses, their selfless commitment and sacrifices cannot go unappreciated.

Geingob joined in to commemorate International Nurses Day.

International Nurses Day is celebrated annually worldwide, to recognise the contribution of nurses to healthcare and raises awareness of the crucial role they play in promoting general health and wellness.

President Geingob says in doing so, Namibians recognise the extraordinary contributions of local nurses in the healthcare system and the well-being of the Namibian nation.

This year's theme is ''Our Nurses. Our Future'' which the President sees as appropriate in recognising the needs and investments required for nursing to address global health issues and to secure a healthy future for all.

He says government is aware of the constantly evolving nature of the nursing profession and challenges to effectively deliver on their mandate.

The President reiterated that the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the centrality of nurses as heroes in their own right and as selfless front-line champions in the provision of equitable access to healthcare services, irrespective of the circumstances.

Dr. Geingob applauded the commitment of Namibian nurses as inspiring, even at their own expense at times.

Therefore, he says government is committed to continue creating an enabling and conducive environment for the nursing profession to flourish.

The Head of State also paid tribute to Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing and on whose birthday the International Nurses Day is commemorated.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


Blanche Goreses