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More than N$163 million was spent on upgrading the road network infrastructure that connects to the Etosha National Park.

The upgrade was meant to enhance mobility and accessibility for visitors to the park, as well as provide a service road for effective park management.

From 2018/2019 to 2023/2024, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism initiated a project to upgrade the restricted western roads and parks within the Etosha National Park.

To date, some of the roads have been successfully upgraded. 

However, there are still remaining roads in poor condition that require upgrading. 

The purpose is to retain visitors and establish a positive brand image that can serve as a marketing tool to attract the new generation of visitors.

The Ministry has developed a long-term strategy to address this issue, which includes securing adequate funding through annual budget allocations. 

Additionally, the Ministry plans to establish conservation fees to ensure consistent maintenance of the park and its infrastructure.

The Fund Administration has provided financial support to the ministry for short-term and immediate solutions to road infrastructure needs.

The Outjo-Okahandja-Namutoni-B1, Namutoni-King Nehale-Omuthiya B1, and Kamanjab-Omakange-Ruacana-Otjozondjupa B1 routes have also been maintained.

The Director of Planning at the Ministry of Environment, Boas Erkki, explains that these roads fall under the category of primary roads, which are the main routes connecting entrance gates and camps within the park.

"The secondary roads are the main tourist routes leading in water points, and detours as well as Tertiary roads that have routes through the veld."

Etosha National Park, proclaimed in 1907, spans an area of 22,935 square kilometers.

The tourist road network within the park covers approximately 120 kilometers.

Etosha National Park holds the distinction of being one of the oldest and most renowned national parks in the country. 

It is widely regarded as one of the top tourist destinations, attracting a significant number of visitors.



Lucy Nghifindaka