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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

The Seventh Session of the Seventh Parliament, which took a recess at the end of April, is set to resume tomorrow. This signals the continuation of the last session of the Seventh National Assembly. The parliamentary Calendar for the year 2023 indicates that the National Assembly will be in session until the 13th of July this year.

During the recess period, several Parliamentary Standing Committees diligently conducted oversight activities across various sectors. The committees focused on important issues affecting the nation, conducting public hearings, oversight visits and workshops to gather information and recommendations. The findings of these activities will now be presented to the National Assembly for further deliberation and action.

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Social Development, and Family Affairs conducted public hearings on gender-based violence and femicide petitions. Notably, the committee addressed the #Shutitalldown Movement and other related petitions, aimed at tackling the pressing issue of gender-based violence in the country.

Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resources and Community Development held public hearings on the motion to write off electricity and water debts. This motion aims to alleviate the burden of debt on citizens and ensure fair access to essential utilities.

Additionally, the same committee also conducted public hearings on the issue of youth unemployment, seeking to explore potential solutions to address this pressing concern among the younger population.

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Accounts undertook public hearings on Auditor-General reports in various regional capitals, with a focus on ensuring transparency and accountability in public finances.

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Security embarked on oversight visits to assess the conditions of police accommodations, navy bases, and army barracks nationwide, aiming to ensure adequate facilities and the well-being of security forces.

In the realm of natural resources, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Natural Resources visited mining companies in the Erongo Region to examine their operations and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Furthermore, the committee visited community conservancies in the Zambezi Region.

The committee also visited aquaculture projects to gather insights and hold consultations regarding a motion on seals. Additionally, they assessed resettlement farms in the Hardap and Otjozondjupa regions, focusing on the welfare and progress of resettled communities.

Furthermore, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration conducted a workshop on the Financial Institutions for Microfinance Act (FIMA Act) and its regulations. This workshop aimed to enhance the understanding of the act and its implementation, ensuring effective financial services for microfinance institutions.

The National Assembly will now deliberate on the findings and recommendations presented by the various committees during the recess. The discussion on these matters will be based on the items outlined in the attached Order Paper, which will guide the legislative agenda for the session.

Photo Credits
Parliament of the Republic of Namibia


Serafia Nadunya