Police national spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, has announced that the police have taken note of the allegations of bribery made against one of its members.

Chris-Paul Haingura exposed a policeman this week in a Facebook post, alleging that the officer attempted to swindle him out of N$500.

Shikwambi says "Nampol has seen the write-up with the pictures in circulation on social media, and the matter is receiving the necessary attention. The confirmation is that the incident happened in Kavango East Region, and the officer in the picture is confirmed to be one of us, serving at the Crime Prevention Unit, and not a Traffic Officer, as alleged."

Deputy Commissioner Shikwambi further informed the media that the procedures and processes to deal with this type of misconduct or incident have commenced.

"The public is once again assured that unbecoming behaviours or actions by members of the Police are unacceptable and thus cannot be condoned."

She called on members of the public to report such incidents to regional and or station commanders for immediate action.

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Emil Seibeb