The founder of the Finance Expo in Swakopmund has called on the public and private sectors to support platforms that empower young professionals and entrepreneurs.

Adulting 102, a financial logistics platform based in Swakopmund, has organised the first-ever finance exhibition. 

The event attracted financial institutions, entrepreneurs, and young professionals to network and showcase their products.

The founder, Zohlanga |Gaseb says young professionals and entrepreneurs struggle to access financial information.

"In terms of information regarding financial literacy, that's quite a big gap, and I'm looking into my personal life, first of all, because it's not just something I see around, I'm living it, in terms of where do you go if you want to invest in stuff, which brands are the best, if you want to buy a car, which brands are the best, or if you are looking at mortgages? I mean, we are young professionals, we are trying to secure assets, and we are trying to build ourselves right now, it's like we don't know what to do or where to go, so we are trying to change that narrative."

|Gaseb emphasised the need for mentorship and financial assistance for young professionals and entrepreneurs to realise their goals.

The founder plans to take the Finance Expo to other towns in the country.



Renate Rengura