The Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture has identified a number of interventions in the ||Kharas Region to address the poor performance of learners and the results of 2022.
Minister Anna Nghipondoka held a regional consultation meeting with stakeholders.
The purpose of the regional consultations is to incorporate intervention strategies in order to improve performance at all levels.
The interventions proposed include, targeted annual incremental funding for the rehabilitation and construction of classrooms and the procurement of teaching and learning resources.
"These excuses are part of watering this tree to start bearing fruits again. Where we went wrong, we need to improve, because in 2020, and 2021, after COVID-19, we performed better than in 2022, when we did not have COVID-19, and I am accepting to say we did something wrong; somehow we relaxed. That is why we are saying, We don't think of chancing something; there must be some kind of insanity somehow."
Some of the possible root causes of poor performance in the country, according to the minister, are the shortage and absenteeism of teachers.
"Absenteeism is a theft of time that is part of procrastination, and you have got your number of hours per class; just count how many periods you are losing when you are not attending to these children, yet you are being paid for that hour every single minute you are still being paid for it."
The Ministry has secured N$255 million to construct 510 classrooms and 70 ablution blocks countrywide, through August 26 construction, within a period of 3 months.