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A delegation from Uganda that was in the country this week for benchmarking says all their expectations were met in learning from Namibia's road infrastructure.

Speaking during the feedback meeting, Ugandan Minister of Works and Transport Ecweru Francis said they came to Namibia to learn because Namibia occupies a very impressive position on road networks, both at the continental and global levels.

"Instead of us going to those very sophisticated economies, let's go to our own. Let's go to Namibia and see how they were able to run a little faster than us, surpass us, and be able to place themselves in this very, very impressive position. So that we can come and find you for some of the challenges that we have. Where is Namibia? Excellent. Namibia seems to be excellent. And from the records of the way you plan your road networks."

Francis further said Namibia's process of implementation and maintenance of road infrastructure is one of the examples they will attempt to emulate in Uganda.

Namibia's Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa, deemed the meeting a success, as Namibia was also able to learn from Uganda's best practices.

"As ministers, we're just introducing what we have done in various aspects of road transportation infrastructures: we reserve them, we plan them, we maintain them, and the vehicles—how do we reduce the vehicles out there? Do we patrol all aspects of road transportation, including safety? I think it is not without reason that we are happy that we have accomplished what we set ourselves."



Selima Henock