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Veteran film industry players say the launch of the nbc-Multi-Choice Namibia Mukorob Project last week is the right step towards growing the industry, which has been moving at a snail's pace.

Thirteen local films were produced under the project. The films can now be accessed by millions of viewers on a continental platform, telling Namibian stories, culture, language, and landscape. The nbc News caught up with veteran Namibian filmmaker Vickson Hangula in Okahandja.

Hangula has been in the industry for about three decades. He says this is a great step, as it gives a platform to upcoming filmmakers to gain skills and put Namibian stories out there. Hangula directed one of the thirteen films, Kauna's ER, a drama that brings quality emergency medical services to the Katutura community.

Another veteran is actor Muhindua Kaura, who shared with nbc News how the platform speaks volumes to all those who have been involved. Kaura featured in one of the films, The Funeral.

The Mukorob projects, a collaboration between the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation and Multi-Choice, can be accessed on Catch-up and Showmax on DStv.



Selima Henock