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After losing his job in the fishing industry, a former fisherman at Walvis Bay is now in the business of selling farming nets, agricultural netting, ropes, and other accessories along the highway, along the northern industrial area.

Business Today visited the busy man on the street to find out what it was like to make a living from his chosen trade.

Meet 49-year-old David Mashuna, a Goreangab Dam resident in the capital. Since 2019, he has been selling fishing nets and other agricultural tools to various farmers in Omaruru, Otjiwarongo, and Otavi, as well as in the capital.

Mashuna said that after the fishing company he worked for closed down, he was stuck at home. By the time the COVID-19 pandemic hit, he says hunger had really kicked in.

That is when he decided to get into the business of selling ropes and nets for a living.

"I started by cutting grass for the cattle and bringing it here. I found the people who sell in that shed, and they were caught by the police, and I continued with the business here. I tried until I used to be chased away from here so many times, but perhaps they saw we were working hard and now they don't chase us anymore. The nets and the rest of my stock I go buy in Walvis Bay at times from Luderitz. When there are trucks coming from Luderitz, I have a supplier from that side and in Walvis, and they deliver it here."

Mashuna has four employees selling at his set-up location who assist in the re-furbishing of agricultural tools from the nets and ropes.

Customer numbers are slow at times, but they are content with their earnings.

"Here, where we are operating, is where we get a bit of customers. I have been here for about five years. Trying to sell and make ends meet. During work days, when the farmers are coming for shopping, that is mostly when we get customers. On Saturday and Sunday, there are no customers at all. The nets and ropes mostly bring in income and belts for trucks or those for tying things on the cars. Containers mostly carry oil for farms. The big ropes are bought mostly for exercise and decorations."

At present, he is waiting on a promise from the City of Windhoek for a more ideal place to set up shop, where current sanitation challenges would be addressed.



Hendrina Kanyolo