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NAMCOR suspends its terminal manager at Walvis Bay


The Namibia Petroleum Corporation, NAMCOR, has suspended its terminal manager at the National Oil Storage Facility at Walvis Bay.

Ellis Egumbo has been suspended on Thursday in connection with the loss of fuel and commercial documents at the facility.

NAMCOR says the suspension of Ellis Egumbo is to facilitate a thorough and impartial investigation into the issue.

Walvis Bay councillors vote to nullify motion ending Red Force contract


The majority of Walvis Bay councillors have resolved to nullify the motion to terminate its contract with Red Force Debt Management.

The decision was taken at a special council meeting on 27 June, attended by nine councillors.

Deputy Mayor Sara Mutondoka proposed that the motion be nullified, and the majority of the councillors supported her.

It is alleged that the motion to end Red Forces' services, tabled by councillor Ephraim Shozi in April, was not submitted on time, and it was also not referred to the management committee as per the standing rules.

Walvis Bay residents demand removal of Red Force


Walvis Bay residents have handed over a third petition, demanding the removal of the Red Force Debt Management Company as a debt collector.

They say the municipality has violated the law by entering into a contract with Red Force without a council resolution or the involvement of the Central Procurement Board.

In April, all the Walvis Bay Municipal Council members decided to terminate the contract with Red Force Debt Management.

Schools invited to visit floating book fair at Walvis Bay


President Nangolo Mbumba says reading is a gateway to knowledge, a catalyst for imagination, and a cornerstone of education.

Speaking at the opening of the world's largest floating book fair, Logos Hope at Walvis Bay, Dr. Mbumba said reading books opens doors to new ideas and broadens one's perspective.

Represented by the Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka, the president urged parents and guardians to instill a love for reading books in their children as early as possible.

Namibians commemorate liberation hero Nathaniel Maxuilili


Namibians gathered at Walvis Bay to celebrate the life of fearless liberation struggle hero Nathaniel Maxuilili, who died 25 years ago.

Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah described the late Maxuilili as a dedicated freedom fighter who fought relentlessly for Namibia's independence.

The legendary Nathaniel Maxuilili's heroic deeds were remembered in the harbour town, where he spent most of his political journey.

Those who knew him say he fought for Namibia's freedom, even if it meant making the ultimate sacrifice.

Logos Hope arrives in Walvis Bay


The world's largest floating book fair, Logos Hope, is ready to host thousands of visitors as she docks at Walvis Bay harbor this afternoon for a three-week visit.

Erongo Governor Neville Andre and the Logos Hope advance preparation team held a media conference to announce the vessel's program.

The floating book fair will only be open to the public from July 5th to 21st.

Andre says his office has engaged various sectors, including education, business, and churches, to get involved.

Two suspects arrested in Beefco robbery at Walvis


The police in the Erongo Region have arrested two suspects in connection with Wednesday's robbery at Beefco Meat Market in Walvis Bay.

The two suspects were allegedly shopping at the mall when members of the public tipped the police off.

Police say the suspects have similar cases in the Oshana and |Khomas regions.

It is alleged that four men held the Beefco Meat Market manager at gunpoint and fled with cash and items worth N$107,000.

Walvis Bay Management Committee accused of boycotting Red Force meeting


The Walvis Bay Management Committee has been accused of boycotting a special council meeting that was aimed at discussing the Red Force Debt Management contract.

The municipality lawyer was supposed to present the findings of an investigation into the Red Force contract at the meeting.

There have been allegations that the Red Force Debt Management contract with the Walvis Bay Municipality was awarded in a dubious manner.

Lawyer Richard Metcalfe has been investigating the claims, and he was ready to spill the beans at a special council meeting Thursday evening.

Youth called to to preserve ocean


President Nangolo Mbumbu says the ocean, on which billions of people depend, is under threat from climate change and the harmful activities of humans.

Dr. Mbumba made this statement during the 32nd World Ocean Day commemoration held under the theme "Catalysing Action for Our Ocean and Climate" at Walvis Bay Independence Beach today.

President Mbumba says that rising sea levels, ocean acidification, plastic pollution, and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing practices are just a few of the challenges faced.