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A 42-year-old resident of Mafuta Compound in the Zambezi Region was found guilty of the rape of his wife's 10-year-old daughter by the Katima Mulilo Regional Court on Friday.

Wilson Mubika Mushaukwa, convicted of rape under the Combating of the Rape Act, has been sentenced to 16 years imprisonment.

Katima Mulilo Principal Magistrate, Malilo Mwilima, found that the rape left permanent scars not only for the victim but for the whole family.

Magistrate Mwilima regarded as aggravating the fact that the rape took place on various occasions and was committed by a person who was regarded as the father and protector of the victim.

The convict is still to appear for another rape trial to continue in December this year for the rape of his seven-year-old biological daughter.



Sililo Mubiana