Man arrested in Otjimbingwe for rape


25-year-old woman was raped while walking home from her employer's birthday party in the Nangoro section of Otjimbingwe, Erongo Region, on Sunday.

Dennis Noa acquitted of rape on appeal


Former trainee medical doctor Dennis Noa, convicted of rape earlier this year, has been acquitted following a successful appeal in the Windhoek High Court.

Judges Herman January and Philanda Christiaan overturned Noa's conviction, leading to his acquittal and release.

12-year-old girl raped on her way from school


A 12-year-old girl was allegedly raped by an unknown man wearing a mask on her way home from school on Friday, the Namibian Police Force in the Oshikoto Region reported.

Grandfather allegedly rapes three-year-old granddaughter


Police in the Oshikoto Region have opened a case of rape against a 69-year-old man for allegedly raping his three-year-old granddaughter.

The incident allegedly happened on Sunday at Etuli Village in the Omuntele Constituency.

The victim resides at the suspect's house.

Pastor allegedly rapes female congregants


Police in the Omusati Region are high on the heels of a local pastor from Okandi Village, in the Etayi Constituency, who is alleged to have raped three of his female congregation members, aged between 17, 19, and 24 years. 

Gobabis councillor arrested for alleged rape of 19-Year-Old man


A local authority councillor in the Gobabis Municipality was arrested on Tuesday on charges of allegedly raping a 19-year-old man in Gobabis. 

It is alleged that the victim went to the Regional Governor's office to obtain important documents and met the 34-year-old suspect outside. 

Suspect denies raping tourist


A 39-year-old resident of the Zambezi Region charged with the rape of a 60-year-old tourist near a tourist establishment in 2021 has denied any guilt for the crime when he appeared in the Katima Mulilo Magistrates Court on Friday.

Steve Biko Booys turns to High Court


Rape and incest-accused former Parliamentarian Steve Biko Booys, whose bail application was denied four times at the lower courts, has turned to the Windhoek High Court with hopes of regaining his freedom.

The High Court will deliver its judgement on Booys' plea for freedom on Friday.