The Minister of Urban and Rural Development (MURD), Erastus Uutoni, has responded to concerns regarding the delay in the presentation of the Rent Control Bill.

Uutoni was responding to Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Maximalliant Katjimune, who sought answers as to why this piece of legislation had not yet been tabled in Parliament.

Uutoni stated that the ministry is diligently scrutinising the draft bill and assured the house that there was no reason for further delays.

"The drafting process is ongoing, and experts have been engaged to refine the bill. Legal advice is being sought from the Office of the Attorney General to ensure a balance between constitutional provisions on property rights and other public interests."

He requested patience from both the House and the nation, emphasising the need to get the legislation right.

Photo Credits
Namibian Sun


Serafia Nadunya