Paternity leave receives support from some Members of Parliament


The need to make paternity leave part of the legal framework has received support from some Members of Parliament in the National Assembly, as has the extension of maternity leave.

The motion to extend maternity leave and introduce paternity leave was earlier tabled by the Popular Democratic Movement's (PDM) Winnie Moongo.

Landless People's Movement (LPM) Leader Bernadus Swartbooi and PDM's Maximalliant Katjimune also made their contributions to the discussion.

Draft of Rent Control Bill still under scrutiny    


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development (MURD), Erastus Uutoni, has responded to concerns regarding the delay in the presentation of the Rent Control Bill.

Uutoni was responding to Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Maximalliant Katjimune, who sought answers as to why this piece of legislation had not yet been tabled in Parliament.

Uutoni stated that the ministry is diligently scrutinising the draft bill and assured the house that there was no reason for further delays.

Progress made in passing urgent Bills in National Assembly


The National Assembly has made progress in passing urgent Bills crucial to preventing potential greylisting by the Financial Action Task Force.

Out of the thirteen pressing Bills, eight have already been passed and referred to the National Council for review.

The urgency to pass these Bills stemmed from the June 30th deadline, which was set to prevent Namibia from being graylisted.