Urban and Rural Development Minister Erastus Uutoni believes the government should also be commended when it does good and not just be permanently criticised.

Uutoni says it is unfair to accuse the government of not doing anything to develop Namibia since independence.

Making the remarks at the inauguration of a N$1,8-million government office at Wlotzkasbaken settlement, Uutoni believes the government is doing great work in some areas.

"Sometimes you are just saying the government is not doing anything; we have constructed lots of houses and many things,and you want to cover them with sand so that you can complain? We cannot allow that. We have to expose what we have done. Yes, we are not saying you should not complain; that's not what we are saying."

The minister further mentioned the multi-million-dollar roads that have been constructed in recent years at the coast as part of the development agenda.

Uutoni noted that the government, since independence, has been developing rural areas, including the coastal settlement of Wlotzkasbaken in the Erongo Region.



Renate Rengura