

Uis community demands removal of Gaob Seibeb


The Dâure Daman community at Uis in the Erongo Region raised grievances at a meeting on Tuesday about their traditional authority leader, Gaob Zagarias Seibeb, for alleged violations of customary laws and is calling for his removal.

Usakos residents seek clarity on basic income grant criteria


Usakos residents have asked for clarification about the government's conditional basic income grant criteria.

Residents at Usakos in the Erongo Region flocked to the community hall daily since the registration for the conditional basic income grant of N$600 started last week.

Erongo Red donates oxygen concentrators to state hospitals


Erongo Red donated oxygen concentrators to three state hospitals to reduce the scarcity of such equipment in the region.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was discovered that state hospitals in the Erongo Region desperately needed oxygen concentrators to treat patients.

Erongo farmers to implement strategies for climate resilience


Livestock farmers in the Erongo Region and surrounding areas are implementing strategies to improve their resilience to climate change.

The livestock farmers attended an agricultural show at the Omaruru-Karibib-Usakos Local Authorities (OKULAC) joint trade festival at Karibib.

Erongo youth speak on exclusion of the boy child


Young people in Erongo Region have informed Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah that they are challenged by a lack of quality public education, unemployment, and the neglect of the boy child.

Erongo Region's tourism industry bounces back


During the first quarter of the year, the Erongo Region recorded a 60% increase in room occupancy rates in the hospitality sector.

The Erongo Regional Tourism Forum, chaired by Governor Neville Andre, released statistics at Swakopmund, indicating a promising recovery for the tourism industry.