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Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila commended the efforts of regional and local authorities that are promoting local development and economic growth within their jurisdiction.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila made the remarks when she officially opened the 3rd Tsandi Annual Trade Fair and Expo.

The expo, which was halted for three years due to COVID-19, attracted 80 local exhibitors to showcase their products and services.

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says there is a need to promote business activities across the country to ensure equitable economic growth and development.

She says the Tsandi Village Council's expo demonstrates a commitment to leveraging the mechanism of promoting local businesses.

"Local authorities are key stakeholders in national development. They deliver key services to communities and businesses. At times, these efforts are constrained by inadequate resources. Therefore, these efforts at investment promotion are commendable, as increased businesses complement the capacities of local authorities to develop their economies and provide employment to their residents."

She says businesses will flourish greatly given the development of public infrastructure and the capacity of local authorities.

It is also necessary that local authorities and public enterprises leverage innovative funding models to expedite the realisation of agreed-upon public interventions.

The Prime Minister, however, explained that the reduced public revenue limits the government's ability to provide financial support to local authorities.

"The government is continuing with efforts to ensure that those who aspire to venture into businesses receive support to access capital and markets and that the legislative framework offers a conducive business environment."

The patron of the Tsandi Annual Trade Fair and Expo, Leevi Katoma, wants the Tsandi Village Council elevated to the status of a town in the next three years.

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, responded to the appeal, saying, "Tsandi, the way I see it, is growing very fast, and if you go this way very soon, this will be declared a town, but it will only be declared a town when all of you as a team unite."

Photo Credits
Ministry of Urban and Rural Development


Tonateni Haimbodi