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The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, has applauded the |Gaio-Daman Traditional Authority for the construction of a community hall and traditional authority offices that will bring development and serve the residents of Anker settlement in the Kamanjab Constituency.

Uutoni shared these praises at the inauguration of the two buildings.

"The construction of the offices for the traditional authority is to allow our traditional leadership a decent space to perform its functions, powers, and duties as well as run its administrative affairs. Equally, a community hall is for the community to gather where people of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses can meet. Doing this is very, very important."

He used the platform to warn traditional authorities to steer clear of counterproductive activities.

"I am disturbed by disputes within some of our traditional communities that have reached an alarming rate, and I will like to remind my traditional communities on this day that disputes cannot solve problems, and if they are not solved on time, it results in conflicts that are costly, derails focus from serving the people, and disturbs peace and stability in communities as well."

The building was built with the government's financial support, which Uutoni described as a means to bridge the gap between communities and promote inclusivity, diversity, and intergenerational connections.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


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