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MURD, nbc sign MoU


The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (nbc) and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding whereby the nbc will partner with the ministry to ensure professional and reliable communication.

This agreement reinforces their longstanding relationship and commitment to delivering quality information to the public.

Shack dwellers receive homes at Nkurenkuru


At least 24 low-income earners at Nkurenkuru's Kakuro location in Kavango West Region received houses built under the Shack Dwellers Federation (SDFN).

The project began on December 1, 2021.

About 50 plots were allocated to the Shack Dwellers Federation in December 2021 by the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni.

The houses are valued at close to N$42,000.

Of those 50 plots, 24 have so far been completed, with the remainder set for completion by the end of the year.

Cabinet directs amendments to Electoral Act Section 74(4) preparation


The Cabinet has directed the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, to prepare and propose amendments to Section 74(4) of the Electoral Act.

This is in view of the review of Article 45 of the Constitution and Section 77(4) of the Electoral Act of 2014, which deals with members of the public who wish to participate in elections to the effect that such persons are deemed to have resigned upon being elected to the National Assembly or National Council and not before or upon being nominated.

Windhoek's population surge strains infrastructure, urgent government intervention needed


The escalating population growth is putting pressure on the City of Windhoek (CoW) municipal infrastructure, intensifying demand for service delivery, and underscoring the need for government intervention. 

Among the ongoing initiatives, CoW Mayor Queen Kamati unveiled the "Informal Settlement Upgrading Pilot Project," which involves constructing 113 houses in Goreangab ext. 4. 

Rent control bill in process


The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD) says an elaborate process is underway before the Rent Control Board is tabled in the National Assembly.

In 2015, the Cabinet passed a resolution requiring the government to introduce measures to regulate the rental market with a view to preventing the current exploitation of tenants by landlords.

The Rent Control Bill, which is supposed to activate the Rent Control Board to address steep property rental prices, needs to be tabled in the National Assembly by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development.

|Gaio-Daman Traditional Authority Inaugurate New Offices


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, has applauded the |Gaio-Daman Traditional Authority for the construction of a community hall and traditional authority offices that will bring development and serve the residents of Anker settlement in the Kamanjab Constituency.

Uutoni shared these praises at the inauguration of the two buildings.

Katutura residents demand better service


Residents of Katutura marched to the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD) to seek answers over a non-response by the City of Windhoek to attend to their water and electricity petition handed in six months ago.

The demonstrators first marched to the municipal offices to collect a copy of their petition to take to the Minister of Urban and Rural Development. However, no one from the City came out to meet them.

OAG, MURD hold stakeholders briefing session


The Office of the Auditor General (OAG), in collaboration with the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD), held a week-long Phase Two stakeholders' briefing session.This session was attended by councillors from local authorities and regional councils in the Oshana, Oshikoto, Omusati, and Kunene regions.

The gathering aimed at providing an explanation of the expectations from local authorities and regional councils during an audit.

This is particularly important as these two entities play a pivotal role in delivering essential services to the community.

NamPower called to hold suspension of power supply


Cabinet has issued a directive to NamPower to put on hold the planned suspensions of power supply to defaulting local authorities.

The Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Ipumbu Shiimi, said this in a letter to the NamPower Board Chairperson, Daniel Motinga, yesterday.

Shiimi says the directive to suspend power cuts is in consideration of pending consultations between the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises, the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, and the local authorities.