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The Social Security Commission (SSC), through its development fund, has funded the Gebedplass San Self-Help Project at Otjozohungu in the Otjombinde Constituency.
The project, which consists of dairy cows, welding, a vehicle, and an office, was set up at a cost of over N$1 million.

The Social Security Commission's Manager of the Development Fund, Olga Katjiuongua, emphasised that projects such as these come with the responsibility of ensuring that enough profit is made to address developmental challenges.

Training is also being offered to ensure that the project is run in a sustainable manner.

"I extend my sincere gratitude to the Omaheke Regional Council as a development agency for their pivotal role in railing the vision of the enterprise. The partnership between the SSC and ORC has demonstrated the positive impact that collaboration can have on community development, and the project situated at Otjozohungu demonstrates our dedication to addressing unemployment and improving the livelihoods of the people of Namibia, particularly those haunted by the deadly effects of multidimensional poverty."

The project has created employment for eight people, and one of the community members, Xhushe Jacob, says the project should serve as an example to other regions.

"This project has assisted us very well, and we are trying our level best to maintain the project, and more importantly, the livestock. We are benefiting from the project, and I'm thankful for the support and funding we received."

The Otjombinde Councillor, Wenzel Kavaka, says the project requires full commitment and dedication to make it a success.

"Most of the San people are not employed; they are only depending on government food aid, so I'm urging the San community from Otjozohungu to take and own this project and start working on it so that they can provide bread and butter at the table of their families."

Kavaka also appeals to residents to guard against vandalism of the infrastructure.




Ngarije Kavari