

The Namibia Archival Application was launched in Windhoek by the National Information Workers Association of Namibia (NIWAN).

The application is aimed at allowing Namibians to access Namibian documentary heritage at the click of a button.

The application seeks to transform the way the public accesses archival information from various archival institutions in Namibia.

Institutional archivists will also be trained to be able to receive and accept bookings from researchers and update 
information in their existing databases.

The chairperson of NIWAN, Namutenya Hamwaalwa, says that more archivist institutions are expected to come on board to provide their information.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Faustina Caley, says the application will provide a very vital source of information, especially for the next generation.

"Archives are our cultural heritage and the foundation of our national identity. They reflect our shared history, diverse traditions, and the collective journey that has brought us to where we are today. As custodians of this invaluable heritage, it is our duty to ensure the accessibility, protection, and preservation of these records for future generations."

The app will be officially accessible for use next month.

The launch was organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Minds in Action, NIWAN, and UNESCO.



Lucia Nghifindfaka